Frankenstein Creative Writing Assignment

Text and Background Information

Frankenstein Class Discussion Blog Go here to engage in discussion about the text.

Frankenstein Vocabulary

Frankenstein Reading Groups

Related Reading and Assignments

Quiz and Test Preparation

Text and Background Information

Frankenstein Introductory Presentation

Preface to the 1831 Edition of Frankenstein  Allegedly written by Percy Shelley, not his wife

Frankenstein: Complete Text Online

Frankenstein Study Guide

Mary's Monster by Lita Judge Read the biography in verse of Mary Shelley and how she became the author of one of the world's most renowned gothic novels!

Frankenstein Vocabulary

Frankenstein Vocabulary Packet

Frankenstein Vocabulary 1 Quizlet

Frankenstein Vocabulary 1 Sentence Completion Quizlet For best results, use the "test" option and select "multiple choice"

Frankenstein Vocabulary 1 Sentence Completion, Exercise 2

Frankenstein Vocabulary 2 Quizlet

Frankenstein Vocabulary 2 Sentence Completion Quizlet For best results, use the "test" option and select "multiple choice"

Frankenstein Vocabulary 3 Quizlet

Frankenstein Vocabulary 3 Sentence Completion Quizlet For best results, use the "test" option and select "multiple choice"

Related Reading and Assignments

Frankenstein: Shifting Perspectives

Frankenstein vs. The Monster: Views on Women

Frankenstein Themes from the University of Pennsylvania A list of thematic ideas present in Frankenstein; remember, a literary theme is a statement, not just a word!

Watershed Online: A Frankenstein Study Background information, reviews, and a Frankenstein FAQ

Critical Commentary from the University of Pennsylvania Links to criticism about Shelley's novel

The U.S. National Library of Medicine: Frankenstein Exhibit A series of pages which explore "the world from which Mary Shelley came, at how popular culture has embraced the Frankenstein story, and at how Shelley's creation continues to illuminate the blurred, uncertain boundaries of what we consider 'acceptable' science."

Frankenstein Quotes Shmoop breaks down quotations from Frankenstein by thematic idea

Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein Drawings Illustrations by the famous comic artist

Twilight Zone: "Eye of the Beholder" as seen in class; link to Amazon Prime video.  Also available on Netflix as of March 2018.

Paradise Lost Original text and modern English translation

Frankenstein "Her Kind" analysis Analytical essay discussed in class

Reading Groups

Frankenstein Reading Groups  Class presentation assignment and rubric

Period 1 Frankenstein Reading Group Poll  Enter your group's ranked choices here. You MUST use your email account.

Period 6 Frankenstein Reading Group Poll Enter your group's ranked choices here. You MUST use your email account.

Frankenstein Creation Archetype Group Reading

Frankenstein Monster Archetype Group Reading

Frankenstein "The Angel in the House" Group Reading

Frankenstein Justice Group Reading

Frankenstein Knowledge Group Reading

Quiz and Test Preparation

Rime of the Ancient Mariner Flashcards at Quizlet a helpful guide for studying. (Note: This was not created by a TZ teacher, but helpful nonetheless)

Rime of the Ancient Mariner Character Idenfitications at Quizlet check your understanding of major characters (and author's name!)

Rime of the Ancient Mariner vocabulary and terms at Quizlet While the quiz is not a vocabulary quiz, you should understand these words in context as we reviewed them in class

Frankenstein Character Quizlet  test review

Frankenstein Quote Quizlet  test review

Frankenstein Discussion Blog

As discussed in class, leave a response to the novel below.  Use your first name and last initial so that you may be identified. (If there are more than one of you with the same first name, last initial, be creative.  How will I know who you are?) Your response should be at least 250 words.  When possible, use quotes to support your points. Your argument and/or idea will be stronger if you support it.

You should also respond to at least one other person's comments.  More class participation credit will be given to those who comment more.  I will be reading all of your comments, so check back for my responses.  Although I cannot respond to all of you individually, I will make comments where I see fit.  -Ms. Mc

Frankenstein Creative Writing Assignment


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